Old West Lifestyle & Stories

Search Results for: Texas Rangers

Old West Book Review: Myth, Memory and Massacre The Pearl River Capture of Cynthia Ann Parker

Students of Texas history are familiar with the story of Cynthia Ann Parker, the nine-year-old white girl taken captive by Comanches, May 19, 1836.  For the next 24 years, Cynthia Ann lived with her Comanche captors, bore at least four children and somehow survived the rigors of life among the Indians until her rescue in […]

Old West Book Review: Captain John R. Hughes

The true story of Texas Ranger Captain John R. Hughes is another splendid work of author Chuck Parsons who specializes in writing about the life and times of various outlaws and lawmen.  His non-fiction books are fast-paced, exciting Old West adventures. This one begins with the early history of John R. Hughes’ ancestors with examination […]

Old West Book Review: Riding Lucifer’s Line

Retired lawman and veteran writer of more than a dozen non-fiction books about Old West history, Bob Alexander again writes a hard-hitting book.  Riding Lucifer’s Line is a collection of 24 profiles about Texas Rangers who lost their lives on the Mexico-Texas border known as “Lucifer’s Line.”  The chosen time period covers the last quarter […]

Today In The Old West

CONVERSATION WITH AN OLD WEST AUTHOR Cowboy To Cowboy:  Rick Miller, your background isn’t in the Old West and writing. Miller:  That’s correct.  I’m an ex-law enforcement guy and attorney.  But I have a passion about the Old West. C2C:  You went from high school into the military as a paratrooper. Miller:  I was in […]


Samuel Colt’s single action revolver, known as the “peacemaker” is a staple to any story about the Old West.  But chances are we wouldn’t have ever heard of Colt had it not been for an event that took place on January 4, 1847. As the story goes in 1830, on a sea voyage to Singapore, […]