January 22, 1883, Bee, Sacramento, California – Passenger train No. 1, which left Sacramento Saturday night, was captured at Montello last night by masked road agents who relieved the train men of their watches and money and then locked them up in the tank. They then cut the engine, postal and express cars off and put them on the sidetrack, and called express messenger Ross, who, thinking he was at Tacoma, opened the car door.
He was commanded to step out, but declined, and shutting the car door was fired upon and wounded in the hand. He kept the door closed and returned the fire as best he could. Some fifteen or twenty shots were exchanged, the door being badly battered up.
The section men were robbed and locked up just before No. 1 reached Montello. When No. 2 arrived at Montello, Conductor Clement was ordered to pull out, which he did, reaching Tacoma as soon as possible and reported train No. 1 as in the hands of robbers.
The train was released and reported at Tacoma before an armed force could be dispatched from Tacoma. The passengers were not molested and nothing was lost except the money taken from train employees. Their watches were returned.
The man who took charge of the engine is described as 5 feet 9 inches high, and of light complexion. Conductor Casson, who had charge of the train, thinks there were six men and nine horsed, while Clement thinks there were fifteen. They rode off in a southerly direction.
The Chinese section hands robbed were badly demoralized and will not work. Four of them walked to Tacoma and had their feet badly frozen.
The No. 2 was the westbound overland passenger train, which stopped at the place where the robbers were at work, and was ordered on and hurried to Tacoma, four miles away, to give the alarm. Had they got through with No.1 before No. 2 arrived it was doubtless intended to rob the latter also.
The robbery took place in Elko County, Nevada, 100 moles from Elko and 167 miles from Ogden. The train was due at the latter place at 8 A.M., but was about three hours late in consequence of the robbery.
The Central Pacific Railroad Company has offered a reward of $500 for each man arrested and convicted, in addition to the regular reward of Wells, Fargo and Co. All detectives and officers have been notified.