Old West Lifestyle & Stories

Chuckwagon: Cowboy Pickled Eggs

Because it was difficult to keep eggs fresh without refrigeration, cowboy pickled eggs were a delicacy while on the trail.  Once a cowboy got into town, he was able to get pickled eggs at his favorite tavern to add a little solid food to offset the beer and whiskey.

            1-cup tarragon vinegar.                              ½ tsp celery seed.

            1-cup water.                                                  1 clove garlic, minced.

            2 Tbs sugar.                                                  2 bay leaves.

            ½ tsp salt.                                                      12 shelled hard-boiled eggs.

Combine all ingredients in saucepan, except eggs.  Simmer 30 minutes.  Remove bay leaf.  Cool.  Pour over eggs in a crock or jar.  Cover and refrigerate 2 to 3 days before eating.

*Courtesy of Chronicle of the Old West newspaper, for more click HERE.

cowboy Pickled eggs

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