Some New Arithmetic
April 15, 1882, Mountain Democrat, Placerville, California – Some New Arithmetic: In a schoolroom are twelve benches and nine boys on a bench. Find who stole the teacher’s gad.
A laundress takes in twelve shirts and has four stolen from her line. How many are left and what are the losers going to do about it.
A farmer sold eleven bushels of potatoes, with the product purchased two gallons of whisky at 90 cents per gallon. How much per bushel did he get for his tubers, and where did he keep the jug.
What velocity must a locomotive have to pick up a dead man walking on the track and fling him so high that six cars pass before he comes down?
A boy earned 20 cents a day for 18 days and bought his mother a muskrat muff costing $2.10. How much did he have left to go to the circus with?
A mother standing at the gate calls to her boy who is just 68 feet distant. It takes two minutes and twenty-two seconds for the sound to reach him. Find from this the velocity with which a woman’s voice travels.
A woman earned 42 cents a day by washing, and supported a husband who consumed $1 worth of provisions per week. How much was she in debt at the end of each month up to the time he was sent to the workhouse.
A father agreed to give his son four and a half acres of land for every cord of wood he chopped. The son chopped tree-sevenths of a cord and broke the ax and went off hunting rabbits. How much land was he entitled to?
A certain young man walks five-sevenths of a mile for seven nights in the week to see his girl, and after putting in 112 nights he gets the bounce. How many miles did he foot it altogether, and how many weeks did it take him to understand that he wasn’t wanted?
Two men agreed to build a wall together. One does four-fifths of the bossing and the other three-tenths of the work, and they finally conclude to pay a man $18 to finish the job. What is the length and height of the wall?