Search Results for: Texas
Benjamin Rush Milam – Texas, Mexico and the Anglos
Benjamin Rush Milam was born in 1788 in Frankfort, Kentucky. He served in the War of 1812, and in 1818, along with other Anglos, he went to Texas, and as was necessary for land ownership there, became a Mexican citizen. During this time, Texas, Mexico and the Anglos had a difficult relationship. Mexico both welcomed […]
Texas Rangers: Why Are They Called Rangers?
In 1826 Stephen Austin authorized a force of men to fight Indians. This group was the inspiration that inspired the Texas Legislature to form the Texas Rangers on November 24, 1835. They were formed, not as a law enforcement group, but to protect the Texas frontier from Comanche Indians and Mexican banditos crossing over the […]
Old West Book Review – The Texas Frontier and the Butterfield Overland Mail
The Texas Frontier and the Butterfield Overland Mail 1858-1861, Glen Sample Ely, University of Oklahoma Press, $34.95, Cloth, 440 pages, Illustrations, Maps, Photographs, Notes, Index. Anyone interested in early Texas history will find this book a fascinating journey across that state during the years prior to the Civil War. While the Butterfield Overland Mail extended […]
Old West Book Review: Charles Goodnight: Father of the Texas Panhandle
Charles Goodnight: Father of the Texas Panhandle, William T. Hagan, University of Oklahoma Press, (405) 325‑3200, $19.95, Paperback. Illustrations, 168 pages, Maps, Bibliography. Pioneer rancher and cattle baron of the Southwest, Charles Goodnight is known for his exploits as a Texas Ranger, scout, Indian fighter, and businessman. This book only touches upon Goodnight’s early life, […]
Texas Rangers Surrender
The stories of the bravery of the Texas Rangers are legendary. However, there was one incident when a group of them were cowards. It was when events made the Texas Rangers surrender. About ninety miles east of El Paso, Texas, are salt beds where people went to gather this essential mineral, not only for […]