Old West Lifestyle & Stories


Saw the Custer special last night on PBS.  What always intrigues me about the Little Big Horn is that the East got the news on July 6, 1876, just a couple of days after celebrating the 100th birthday of the United States.  Until then the average citizen thought the Indian wars were a thing of the past.

Can you imagine the highs and the lows they experienced in a couple of days?

And speaking of highs and lows, with the defeat of Custer, Crazy Horse must have felt he could take on the whole world and be victorious.  However with the American people demanding revenge, General Nelson Miles was sent on a winter campaign after Crazy Horse.  And in May of 1877, less than a year after the Little Big Horn, Crazy Horse along with his rag-tag group of 217 men and 672 women surrendered.

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